Our Schools

Education with a Biblical Worldview

Our free educational programs offer a range of ministry training for both Christian lay people,  working in the secular world, and Christians serving in full-time ministry roles. Our schools include the following: Theological and Biblical Studies, and Professional Christian Ministry. The courses offered in these schools are on pre-recorded video format and you can watch them at your own pace. Optionally, you can choose to take live seminars with a live instructor when these classes are offered. You can also opt for certificates.

We strive to disciple Christian  leaders of excellence, godly men and women, who reflect the image of Christ inside and outside the church

School of Professional 

Christian Ministry
Program in English

The School of Professional Christian Ministry offers specialized training that aims to equip leaders for ministry service in critical areas of ministry. Our students, pastors and lay leaders, receive world-class accelerated training that provides biblical Christ-centered solutions to the problems and challenges they face in the directional church ministry and pastoral ministry in the church of our day. The offered multidisciplinary curriculum is in Cross-Cultural Ministry Leadership.

Certificate: 👨‍🎓 Certificate option available for this school. Click for more information.


The School of Theology and Biblical Studies
Program in English

The School of Theology and Biblical Studies is a generous educational program to prepare ministry leaders in academic areas of Biblical Theology, Practical Theology, Old and New Testament Biblical Studies. This educational program is offered in fully-online mode.

Certificate: 👨‍🎓 Certificate option available for this school. Click for more information.


We strive to disciple Christian  leaders of excellence, godly men and women, who reflect the image of Christ inside and outside the church